ETV Network, bouquet of 12 regional channels is source of rich infotainment to audiences in the language of their choice: ETV Telugu, ETV2, ETV Bangla, ETV Marathi, ETV Kannada, ETV Oriya, ETV Gujarati, ETV Urdu, ETV Uttar Pradesh, ETV Rajasthan, ETV Bihar and ETV Madhya Pradesh. ETV-Network channels have been popular because the quality entertainment is provided to viewers in the language of their choice depicting the culture with which they are able to connect. It is this spirit of empathy with individual cultures/languages that has helped ETV to reach millions of viewers. With the same spirit ETV provides digital entertainment to Indians living in U.S.A. with ETV Telugu and ETV Bangla entertainment channels.
Official Website: http://www.etv.co.in/
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