Shalom TV- the Malayalam Christian devotional channel disappeared from the channel bouquet of SunDirect. This bad thing has happened on 25th February 2009. People who have brought “SunDirect” only in the presence of Shalom in “SunDirect bouquet” shocked with this action. A lot of emails I have get about this issue to my email address: and could know some people migrate to other DTH platforms. Some comments in our blogspot http://channelsforindia.blogspot shows their great regret to the action of “SunDirect”. From reading some of the comments I cloud understand the problem is the carriage fees. Shalom TV is a spiritual channel, free to air channel and no commercial aims to the channel. So they are not ready to give the carriage fees.
On the other hand Indian DTH industry faces serious financial problem. DTH companies could not make a penny as their profit and increase lose day to day. It is believes that one core connection is required to make a DTH company as profitable. To reduce the lose they insist on the carriage fees from the TV channels.
SunDirect must understand the popularity of Shalom TV in Kerala. There are 20% christen population in Kerala that means seven million people believes in Christianity in Kerala.Most of the Christian people are financially above middle class and a huge number of them are financially high class people. They are the viewers of Shalom TV. Don’t calculate the Christian population that bought the “SunDirect” now. This action may cause removal of existing “SunDirect” connection by “Christine” people and they may migrate other DTH companies who is giving Shalom TV in their package. It will also reduce the number of Christian people taking fresh “SunDirect” connection. request “Sun Direct” to give a space for “Shalom TV” in your bouquet. It will help to increase the connection of “SunDirect” DTH in Kerala. We are all expecting a fast comeback of “Shalom TV” in “SunDirect” DTH platform.
Most wonderfull Article, Thanks for sharing!