Amrita TV, the Malayalam channel who first introduces reality shows in a new style through its “Super Star” singing contest. Through this program Amrita TV could win to attract a huge number of viewers. This was the first contest in Malayalam in which viewer can vote for their favorite contestant through SMS. After the Big success of “Super Star” contest Amrita TV introduced “Super Star Junior” competition in which children’s up to 15 years were participated. This show was also a big success. The big success of these shows makes other channels to think in the way of Amrita TV. Show like “Star Singer” in Asianet is an example of this type of reality show. After introduce “Star Singer” Asianet could bags more viewers than Amrita TV. What is the fact behind this, hasn’t Amrita TV’s reality show the enough quality as Asianet “Star Singer”? The answer is “NO”. Then, what happened to Amrita TV? I think the reason is the low sound quality of Amrita TV. It hasn’t an open voice to compare Asianet and Kairali TV. To compare this fact I take a Digital satellite Set Top Box first. And tuned this three channels in my digital receiver and move it to one (Asianet), two (Amrita TV) and three (Kairali TV) and set the volume level to three point and change the channel to channel number one (Asianet). The sound clarity was good and I can hear an open voice from this channel. Then I changed the channel to 2 (Amrita TV). The sound was very low and I cannot get an open voice. I increase the volume to 6 points, now the sound was better but it doesn’t have the enough openness. Then I change the channel to number to three and decrease the volume to three points and find Kairali TV has also very good sound quality.
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