Videocon the electronics giant started its direct to home (DTH) service named D2H in India. It is the seventh direct to home (DTH) company in India and the sixth one in the private sector. It is transmitting in Mpeg 4 and DVBS 2 mode. Over 170 channels are available in this service now. The subscription packages are available in Golden pack, Diamond pack and Add Ons. Videocon D2H products are currently available only for the customers residing in the state of northern, central and western in India. Videocon introduce its D2H products in a new way. It is available in four types.
- Satellite LCD TV
It is a LCD Television with an inbuilt set top box (STB)
- Satellite CRT TV
It is a CRT Television with an inbuilt set top box (STB)
- Satellite DVD
It is a DVD player with an inbuilt set top box (STB)
- Satellite Box
It is a set top box (STB) like all other DTH companies are supplying.
All above Videocon D2H products are coming with a lot of features. To know all about Videocon D2H products please visit the official website:
Source: Videocon D2H website
Gurdeep Singh Fastway is the managing director of Fastway Transmission Pvt Ltd which is one of the most trusted and fastest Digital Cable TV services in North India. At present provides 175 Digital Channels and 20 Radio Channels. If you are looking for the best cable services with HD channels and good recharge and weekend offer then please meet the Gurdeep Singh Fastway Transmission Pvt. Ltd.