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Monday, December 5, 2011

Kalaignar TV,Seithigal, Isai Aruvi,Sirippoli,Chithiram and Marasu TV: New Frequency

Kalaignar TV channels are the only channels that are available through Intelsat 17 at 66 east in Mpeg 2 mode. Your existing digital receiver can receive these channels by changing the dish antenna direction from 83 degree east to 66 degree east. If you are a new user of dish antenna it is better to buy an Mpeg-4 receiver with DVB-S2 technology.  Most of the channels transmitting through Intelsat 17 at 66 degree east are using Mpeg 4 compression with DVB S2 technology. So you have need an Mpeg-4 receiver with DVB S2 technology to receive these channels .Mpeg-4 receivers with DVB-S technology are also available in the market. Make sure that you bought an Mpeg-4 receiver with DVB S2 technology.
Technical parameters to receive Kalaignar channels are given below
Satellite: Intelsat 17 at 66 Degree East
TP Frequency: 3845
Symbol Rate: 27692
Polarization: Vertical
Signal Compression: Mpeg-2, DVB-S
Mpeg-2 Channels are available in the above frequency are given below
1.       Kalaignar TV
2.       Kalaignar Seithigal
3.       Isai Aruvi
4.       Sirippoli
5.       Chithiram
6.       Kalaiganar Marasu TV
If this article is useful please comment and you can also comment about your doubts in this matter to get a reply.

Note: It is better to buy a Mepeg 4 receiver with DVB S2 slandered and HD (High Definition) technology. This receiver cost about 500 rupees more than the DVB S2 Mepeg 4 receiver. HD is the new technology and if the transmission is change to HD mode it can use the same receiver to get the channels. Otherwise it wants to spend more amounts to buy a new HD receiver.


  1. watch Chithiram TV Live With best HD Quality.

    Watch Chithiram TV Live streaming Here:

  2. Sir please am form Mumbai here siripoli Chanel was not working good I miss lot so please arrange the facilities quickly
