Bollywood belle Vidya Balan set the stage on fire with her performance at the star-studded grand opening of Didi No.1, the popular game show on Zee Bangla.
The show comes to the end of its Season 2, to embark on the journey of its Season 3.The grand gala opening of the new season had glimpses of what the forthcoming Season 3 will have for its viewers. This season Didi No.1 promises to be more grandeur, more extravagant and more exciting.
Rachna Banerjee, the host of previous 2 seasons of the game show, welcomed June Maliah, who will host Season 3. The caste of Dirty Pictures...viz. Vidya Balan, Tusshar Kapoor and Bappi Lahiri graced the occasion and performed to the sizzling tracks of the film. Vidya Balan grooved to "ohh la la...ohh la la" and Bappida's sang his all time hits. Bengal's eminent actress Shrabanti, Parno Mitra, Nusrat Jahan and Subhosree played the favorite game show before dancing to the songs by Bappi Lahiri.
Didi No.1 also felicitated the two eminent ladies hailing from distinctive fields who have brought much pride to Bengal - Supriya Devi and Dola Banerjee.
So, singing, dancing, with power pack performances and participation in the fun filled game by the stars, ushered the next season of Bengal's favorite game show, Didi No.1 Season 3!
To catch all this and much more...tune in to Zee Bangla on Sunday, December 4th - Curtain Raiser from 6:30pm-7:30pm and Main Event from 7:30pm - 11:30pm Only on Zee Bangla.
Rachna Banerjee, the host of previous 2 seasons of the game show, welcomed June Maliah, who will host Season 3. The caste of Dirty Pictures...viz. Vidya Balan, Tusshar Kapoor and Bappi Lahiri graced the occasion and performed to the sizzling tracks of the film. Vidya Balan grooved to "ohh la la...ohh la la" and Bappida's sang his all time hits. Bengal's eminent actress Shrabanti, Parno Mitra, Nusrat Jahan and Subhosree played the favorite game show before dancing to the songs by Bappi Lahiri.
Didi No.1 also felicitated the two eminent ladies hailing from distinctive fields who have brought much pride to Bengal - Supriya Devi and Dola Banerjee.
So, singing, dancing, with power pack performances and participation in the fun filled game by the stars, ushered the next season of Bengal's favorite game show, Didi No.1 Season 3!
To catch all this and much more...tune in to Zee Bangla on Sunday, December 4th - Curtain Raiser from 6:30pm-7:30pm and Main Event from 7:30pm - 11:30pm Only on Zee Bangla.
Courtesy: Zeetelevision
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