Zee Cinema, India's first Hindi movie channel, earned international recognition for their Peepli Live promos at the PromaxBDA Asia Awards 2011 held in Singapore recently. After walking away with 2 Golds and a Silver in the Indian edition of the awards, the team won a Gold and Silver in the prestigious PromaxBDA Asia. The promo for the premiere of Peepli Live received a Gold in the Best Movie Promo and a Silver in the Best Entertainment Promo categories.
In addition to the two wins at the PromaxBDA Asia, the team also bagged 2 Golds and a silver in the PromaxBDA India earlier this year for their promos for Peepli Live and Lage Raho. The promo for the premiere of Peepli Live received 2 Golds in the Best Movie Promo and Best Comedy Promo categories respectively. The channel also received a silver for the Lage Raho break free property promo.
Talking about the win, Zee Cinema Business Head, Mohan Gopinath said, "It is gratifying to know that our efforts over the last one year of creating differentiated content and making interesting promos for our viewers is being recognized not just by the domestic fraternity but internationally as well! I am extremely proud to be a part of such a talented team and hope that we continue to move from strength to strength in the future."
In addition to the two wins at the PromaxBDA Asia, the team also bagged 2 Golds and a silver in the PromaxBDA India earlier this year for their promos for Peepli Live and Lage Raho. The promo for the premiere of Peepli Live received 2 Golds in the Best Movie Promo and Best Comedy Promo categories respectively. The channel also received a silver for the Lage Raho break free property promo.
Talking about the win, Zee Cinema Business Head, Mohan Gopinath said, "It is gratifying to know that our efforts over the last one year of creating differentiated content and making interesting promos for our viewers is being recognized not just by the domestic fraternity but internationally as well! I am extremely proud to be a part of such a talented team and hope that we continue to move from strength to strength in the future."
Courtesy: Zeetelevision
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